A Quick Way to Stop Worrying About Things You Can’t Control

Published On: May 19, 2022

Categories: Meditation, Mindfulness

Worries. They can start small and then quickly spiral out of control. The next thing you know you’re caught up in worrying about things that you can’t control. This can happen sooo easily when we start to feed our worries with our thoughts. 

Says the woman who has fed her worries so many times over the years – until I learned what I was doing and how I was making things worse for myself. And that was about the time I finally stopped worrying about things that I couldn’t control. 

I learned this a few months ago after I had a conversation with a friend. They were worrying about things that were out of their control and it was getting to be really stressing them out. So I asked them what they would do if a velociraptor came tearing through the room right now. And surprisingly, they actually stopped worrying! It was like all of their worries just vanished in an instant and they weren’t as stressed anymore.

Now, this might not work for everyone, but it’s definitely something that has helped me in the past when I’ve been struggling with my worries. More often than not, if I can take my focus off of things that are out of my control and instead focus on things that I can control, it helps me feel a bit more centered and a heck of a lot calmer than I was a moment before. 

One way of doing this when you’re by yourself is to shout out loud STOP! Another strategy is to talk to yourself. When my worries start to spiral out of control I say to myself, “Woah Gethons” and I quickly snap out of it. 

3 Ways to Quickly Stop Worrying About Things You Can’t Control

1. Accept that things will happen in life that you cannot control. 

Acceptance is one of the core teachings of mindfulness. We never, ever, have to like what’s happening but when we accept it then we can work with it. 

The thing is, in life, there will always be something, and as much as we (and our anxiety) might like to be able to control things and prevent bad things from happening, sometimes poop happens. 

Trust me. One minute everything is fine and you’re heading home from the movies. The next you’re on the neurosurgery ward at your local hospital and you’ve survived being hit by a bus

Starting off on a journey of things that I had absolutely no control over. Which really, really sucked for me and my anxiety. 

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger…

I had to move back in with my parents(!!) at 31(!!) because I was so weak (and oh yeah, they had removed a portion of my skull) which was not at all what I wanted to do if I had had a choice.

Obviously, this many years later, I DO realize that MOST of my resistance to this was related to the fact that my decision maker (my brain) was swollen and injured. At the time, I fully thought that I could move back to my apartment even though I needed help to walk to the bathroom I had lost so much muscle.

(I also thought that I would be back at work in 2 weeks and that I could go to a concert 5 days after being discharged from the hospital – I was definitely not firing on all cylinders). 

I needed assistance to go up and down the stairs, couldn’t bend over, or feed myself without falling asleep. So as hard as it was, I had to give up a TON of control and accept the reality of my life at that time. 

And accepting the reality instead of fighting against it actually made this experience SOO much easier. Because instead of dealing with the reality of the situation AND all of my resistance to this moment I only had this moment to work with.

So much easier.

You’ve got this…

2. Focus on the things you can control, and take action on those.

Finding ways to assert control in moments where we feel like we have none can give us a sense of purpose.

It might seem small, but in moments when you can’t exert a lot of control being able to control, for example, what you eat for breakfast can take on a greater importance.

Even picking out what to wear each day – something you might normally hate – can give you back some control.

So where can you control things?

Maybe with what order you work on things in your business? What you eat for lunch? When you eat lunch? It doesn’t need to be big areas because every little moment that you feel like you have a sense of control in your life adds up.

how to stop worrying about things you can't control

This too shall pass…

3. Stay positive and remember that everything will work out in the end.

This too shall pass. The surgery you are waiting for will eventually happen. The project or launch you’ve got in the works will come to an end.

Right now, you have a choice. Do I want to spend the next however long until the surgery worrying about it or do I want to leave that for future Charlene and instead work with what’s here.

This moment, this one, right here in front of you is the only one that you can do anything about.

So right now make a choice. Are you going to be stuck in the future thinking and worrying about something that MIGHT (or might not) happen? Or do you want to be here and now in this moment dealing with what’s actually here in front of you.

As I am typing this post I am 9 days away from surgery #7. Am I worrying about it? No, because honestly, there will be plenty of time to worry about the surgery the day of. Also, I literally have nothing to do with the surgery other than to just show up the day of. After that it is out of my control.

The 2 arrows

how to get through a bad day

In life there will always be something, some kind of pain or stress that we need to deal with. So why do we make things worse for ourselves by adding perceived problems on top of the pain we’ve already have sitting right in front of us?

Because of our negativity bias. And because it feels safer to think about all of the possible “what ifs” that can happen. Like we’re coping for the inevitable so when it shows up will be prepared.

So instead of the one problem that we have to address we’ve now created multiple additional problems that don’t even exist.

That problem that we are sitting with, whatever it is, is our first arrow. The thoughts, judgements, worries and what ifs that we dump on top of that problem is the second arrow.

One is inevitable. The other is optional.


Inside my 7-day free mindfulness meditation challenge I help you to create your own meditation toolkit for a calmer mind. In just 10 minutes a day you can learn how to calm your mind and to stop slinging that second arrow at yourself.

how to stop worrying about things you can't control

If you find that your worries are getting the best of you and they’re starting to take over your life, it might be worth trying one of these techniques to see if they work for you. Reply below to let me know which one you used.

Ready to tackle your anxiety for good? Join me inside my hybrid group coaching program.

12-weeks of live group coaching + 12 months access to my online program From Overwhelm to Ease = all the skills & strategies that I’ve used to heal my anxiety. 


Social Anxiety Coaching

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Charlene Gethons

Hey there, I'm Charlene!

I help creative entrepreneurs with chronic illness create a sustainable business that fits their lifestyle without letting imposter syndrome take over.

Charlene is an entrepreneur, psychotherapist and mindfulness coach living with chronic illness after she was hit by a bus.

Mamma Mia with my Momma ❤️❤️
Ever had a day where everything seems to go sideways? 😅 

Mom and I planned a getaway to Buffalo, but I woke up feeling awful. 🤢 

Instead of panicking, I leaned on mindfulness, letting future me handle the decision. Turns out, waiting a few hours was all I needed. By listening to my body, we still made it to Buffalo and had a blast! 

✨ We enjoyed some #girlsdinner our first night in the Target parking lot 😂😂

✨ Visited the Eternal Flame Falls & came back soaked in sweat 🤮🤮 

✨ Survived without a GPS - more on this later 🤫

✨ Did a little bit of shopping 🛍️🛍️ & of course had dinner at The Cheesecake Factory

✨ Don’t worry about Lucky, she got her own mini holiday 😉

🎉 Mindfulness taught me to trust my intuition and focus on the present. 

It’s about releasing judgment and embracing the moment. 🌟 

Remember, you don’t have to solve every problem immediately. Trust that future you will have the answers. 

💪 #Mindfulness #TrustYourself #HealingJourney
Mindfulness is about learning how to feel your feelings without letting them overwhelm you. 

Mindfulness and meditating regularly helps you to learn how to ride these waves. 

My guided meditation, The Welcome Mat, is a practice designed to help you learn how to greet each thought, emotion and sensation in the body as if it was an old friend. 

To invite it in and to let it stay for as long as it wants. 

Because here’s the thing: what keeps our difficult emotions around is our thoughts and resistance to them. 

When we push them down & pretend they aren’t here - they just pop back up later. 

When we go down the thinking and ruminating rabbit hole - we feed them encouraging them to stick around longer. 

When we let them float past like leaves floating down a stream - the move on faster. 

Mindfulness teaches you how to feel your feelings without feeding them. Skills training helps you to complete the circuit so that they don’t linger around inside your body. 

My 1:1 anxiety coaching program is a great way to learn how to start welcoming in these difficult uncomfortable emotions so that you can feel a little more ease and a lot less overwhelm. 

It’s time to start healing your anxiety and managing your burnout and I can show you the path forward. 

DM me the words MORE EASE and let’s chat about working together so that you can start to heal today.
Did you know that you can practice mindfulness even in a busy coffee shop? 

A mindful eating practice brings your 5 senses to the act of drinking a cup of coffee ☕️ 

1️⃣ What do you see? Describe the different colours that you can see.
2️⃣ what do you hear? The hum of different conversations. The sounds of working in the kitchen. The different noises you can hear as they brew your coffee. 
3️⃣ what do you smell? The smell of the coffee as it’s being brewed.
4️⃣ what can you touch? Feel the weight of the cup in your hands. 
And finally 5️⃣ take a sip and really, taste your coffee. Let it sit in your mouth for a moment before you swallow it down. 

This is a simple practice that you can do when the world outside feels chaotic to help you find a moment of calm. 💕🙏🏻🧘🏻‍♀️
Living with anxiety feels like being trapped in a stormy sea, waves crashing relentlessly 🌊. But healing your anxiety? It’s like finding a calm harbour, where the sun finally breaks through the clouds ☀️. 
Let’s journey together from chaos to peace with my free 7 day mindfulness challenge. 💙 #Mindfulness #HealingJourney
Worries are imaginary problems. 🌟 They’re just thoughts and what ifs about things that *might* happen. These imaginary issues can cause real emotions to bubble up inside us. Healing anxiety is about recognizing these worries and taking action. 
Here’s a 3-step process to help you out:
1. **Check the facts** - What do you *know* to be true? Not your thoughts and fears, but actual facts.
2. **Future you’s problem** - Worries are about the future. Let them go and focus on the problems you can solve right now.
3. **One thing you can do now** - What can you do in this moment to help out future you?
Every time worries pop up, cycle through these steps. Over time, you’ll notice a shift. You’ll worry less and start making more intentional, mindful choices.
Take my recent example: I adore the shade of blue I’m wearing in this video and want everything I see in it! But...
1. **Check the facts** - I already have two dresses in this shade. This one is similar, so I can put it down.
2. **Future me’s problem** - Future me won’t come home to three identical dresses and won’t face the judgment of buying another one.
3. **One thing now** - I saved money by not buying the dress, helping both current and future me. 💙
This strategy is foundational for healing anxiety. It’s a kinder way to manage worries in the moment. We build on this in our 1:1 coaching sessions, creating more strategies for your anxiety toolkit.
Send me a DM, and let’s chat about working together. 💬✨
🧘🏻‍♀️💕🙏🏻The reality is, life is hard. 
Whether it’s having to rebuild your life (again) after a catastrophic injury or life changing diagnosis. 
Or living with lifelong anxiety. 
Or even just existing and managing work, family and trying to have a life somewhere in the midst of all.the.things. 
Life is hard. 
Dealing with the uncertainty of life is hard. 
The not knowing what the future holds and what path to take is hard. Life is hard. 
BUT at that same time we acknowledge that life is hard we can also CHOOSE our hard. 
While I didn’t choose the accident or needed to have my skull rebuilt 3x I do get to choose how I show up and face the hard in front of me. 
All paths are hard so which hard path do I want to choose? 
Learning how to heal my lifelong anxiety was hard. But living with anxiety is also hard. Choose your hard. 
Which path do you want to take? 
Is it the path towards healing and living a life with a little more ease? 
Or is it the path of resistance and staying small? 
Choose your hard. 
Life is hard, but you can create the space needed to make it a little bit easier. Which hard path are you going to choose? 
If you’re ready to heal your anxiety, send me a DM and let’s chat to see if we are a good fit to work together.
No spoons? 🥄 what’s one thing that you can do to help out future you?


💫 making enough dinner to last for two nights so you have leftovers available after a busy day
💫 not doing alllll the dishes but just the ones you need for your morning coffee 
💫 heading to bed a little earlier so that you feel more rested in the morning 

Or the big one
💫 not worrying about something that may or may not happen for the next six months because you’ve learned how to manage your anxiety 

This is just one of the ways that mindfulness and a skills based approach can help you to manage and heal your anxiety. 

To get started, you can sign up for my free 7 day challenge to learn how to quickly calm your mind in 10 minutes a day. 

Click the link in my bio to sign up
🚀 Are you ready to heal? 🚀

Learning how to finally heal my lifelong anxiety is the best thing that I have ever done for myself. 

It is literally the gift that keeps on giving. 

And now it’s your turn. 

DM me “overwhelmed” and let’s chat to see how we can best work together. 

It’s time to start healing. Join me to find more ease and peace today. 🧘🏻‍♀️💕🙏🏻
🚀 Ready to finally heal your lifelong anxiety? Message me "Overwhelmed" to begin your journey today! 🚀

Wouldn't it feel great to finally have the tools you needed to quickly calm your nervous system down the next time anxiety hits? 

Are you ready to start your journey and see real change and healing? Let's get started creating your own personalized toolbox of mental health strategies that you can pull out to quickly manage your anxiety. 

Imagine this: 

Having a series of tools in your back pocket that you can pull out the next time you feel overwhelmed so that you can quickly calm your nervous system down. 

How it would feel to be better able to tolerate distressing emotions so that you are better able to reduce the impact anxiety has on your day-to-day functioning. 

Join me in and learn how to heal your anxiety. 

🔔 Limited time offer! I'm looking for five overwhelmed and anxious entrepreneurs this week. If you're ready to change and to start healing message "Overwhelmed" and let's get started.