what is negative self talk

What No One Tells You About Negative Self Talk

Published On: February 18, 2022

Here’s the thing that no one is telling you about your negative self talk. It serves a purpose and is there to protect us.

Did you know that the average person has 60,000 thoughts a day! And of those 60,000 thoughts 80% are negative and 95% are repetitive.

Which means that for the majority of the day we have a constant loop of negative thoughts and judgements. running through our head.

As humans we gravitate towards the negative because our brains are wired this way as a result of our evolution. At one point this helped us to pay attention to threats and increased our chances at survival.

So of course our minds focus on the negative, your brain is simply doing what it has learned to do!

Also called our inner critic, this voice, has been around since the time that we were running from sabre tooth tigers. But if we are no longer constantly in danger of being eaten what is the reason for our negative self talk?

To protect us when we’re in danger. So when it pops up as you’re walking in a dark alley – it’s looking out for you.

When it pops up in your business? It’s telling you that your body & mind feel like they are in danger.

The thing is, our mind can’t distinguish between real danger and imagined danger.

If you’ve ever had a nightmare where you were being chased and woke up feeling like you had actually been running (heart beating fast, pulse racing, out of breath) you know what I mean.

The next time you’re negative self talk shows up, give it a listen, and pay attention to what it’s saying & where/when it’s showing up for you.

How to Work With Your Negative Self Talk


5 Steps to Managing Your Negative Self Talk

  • Pay attention to your inner critic
  • Think of it like an old friend
  • Remember thoughts are just thoughts – they’re not facts
  • Bring curiosity to it
  • Say it out loud

As an entrepreneur, negative self talk shows up a lot, especially when I’m looking to do something that takes me out of my comfort zone.

The thing is, I have never dreamed of running my own business. I was quite content to show up, do my work & go home at the end of the day.

And then I was hit by a bus and everything changed.

Suddenly I needed to work in a way that supported my disability and chronic illness.

Running a business with a brain injury has it’s challenges one of which is the negative self talk that can show up usually in the form of imposter syndrome & comparison-its.

Two things that show up for most entrepreneurs – even those without a brain injury.

Pay attention to your inner critic

Like that I “should” be doing more, that I “should work more hours” or that I’m not “good enough” compared to my contemporaries.

By paying attention to when and where negative self-talk shows up you can learn to work with it before it becomes a problem.

Because when we know what’s here, we can work with what’s here.

Practicing an awareness of thoughts meditation, like you’ll find inside of my program Silencing Your Inner Critic, gives you the tools you need to start paying attention in this way.

The thing that no one tells you about negative self-talk is that you can’t get rid of this voice but you can develop a relationship with it.

It’s a part of you but this voice isn’t you. Keeping this in mind can give you distance and help you to avoid attacking yourself. Which leads to the next way we can manage this voice.

Think of it like an old friend

Instead of seeing this voice as an enemy, why not look at it as an old friend? I know, sometimes this might feel impossible but trust me you can do it.

Our negative self-talk exists to keep us safe. But over the years its started to get a little confused and mixes up stepping outside of our comfort zone with being in physical danger.

When we shift to recognizing that it’s only looking out for us when can bring in some compassion and kindness.

Instead of continuing to mentally beat yourself up for these thoughts & judgements why not talk to this voice like you would your best friend?

“Hello, nice to see you. Why don’t you hang out here awhile? I know that you’re trying to help me out but I got this.”

Because whatever is showing up for you in this moment, you do in fact got this, and mindfulness will help you learn how to trust in this.

Thoughts are not facts

When self-doubt shows up (which it will) remember and recognize this voice for what it is – a thought not a fact.

Just because I might think something, it doesn’t make it true.

I can think that I’m not a writer but the amount of blog posts, emails, sales pages etc. that I’ve written over the years would beg to differ.

If I notice that my inner critic is constantly comparing me to other writers and it’s telling me that I’m an imposter because “who do you think you are? You’re not a writer! This copy sucks!” I have 2 choices to make in this moment.

  1. I can choose to listen to this voice, believe that I suck as a writer and that no one will ever want to read what I write so what’s the point and I should just give up now.
  2. OR I can notice that this is an area where I don’t feel confident in my skills so I can… work on them. I can take a class on copywriting, I can hire a copywriter to work with me, or I can keep plugging away at my copywriting until I feel better about it.

Option #1 is the do-nothing approach which keeps us stuck and feeling crappy all the time. And when we feel crappy about something we tend to avoid it – which is a results in a never end cycle where we never get better at copywriting.

Option #2 gives us something to work on. We recognize that my thought might feel like a fact but it doesn’t have to be. I can bring some curiosity to this moment & to this thought and then choose to work with it.

Be curious

This is option #2 in action.

Being curious about our thoughts means digging a little deeper into them.

Where and when do they show up? Do these thoughts only show up when you’re launching a program? or jumping on video? or telling people that you’ve started a business?

Put on your investigators hat and find out the underlying reason & emotion that feeds it.

As you’ve learned already, when you know what’s here, you can work with what’s here.

So be a little curious.

Say it out loud

Now, this one might seem weird, but hear me out. The next time you catch yourself engaging in negative self-talk say it out loud.

Because sometimes we don’t really “hear” the things that we say to ourselves until we say them out loud.

Saying it out loud is one way to shock the system. It gets you to realize just how mean that voice can be. It reminds us that we would NEVER talk to our friends the way that we sometimes talk to ourselves.

Negative Self Talk & Entrepreneurs

Now that you’ve learned the role of the inner critic and how it shows up in our lives you can understand more about how to work with it.

Our brains have been wired towards the negative as a result of evolution. While this has helped us to pay attention to threats to increase our odds of survival it’s no longer needed in quite the same way.

When we focus on the negative our brains are just doing what they have learned how to do.

But in this present day modern-life this life-saving bias is no longer as useful.

And this bias is one that we can ALL work to overcome.

By consciously developing new habits & patterns we can re-wire our brains away from this negativity bias to bring in more positivity.

This shift is incredibly helpful on our path as entrepreneurs. Inside my program, Silencing Your Inner Critic, I give you the tools & practices that you need to start learning how to work WITH your negative self-talk so that you can continue to move forwards with your business and life goals.

This 3 part program will provide you with actionable tips and strategies that you can start using today. Click the button below to get started today.

Get Silencing Your Inner Critic Today what no one tells you about negative self talk

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Charlene Gethons

Hey there, I'm Charlene!

I help creative entrepreneurs with chronic illness create a sustainable business that fits their lifestyle without letting imposter syndrome take over.

Charlene is an entrepreneur, psychotherapist and mindfulness coach living with chronic illness after she was hit by a bus.

Mindfulness and self-compassion go hand in hand. And the two are never more needed than in times of stress. 

While I don’t always remember to meditate (says the meditation teacher 😳) every time I do it helps me to meet these stressful moments with a little more kindness and grace. 

Because life is tough and there will always be moments of stress. 

💫 But with mindfulness you can choose how you want to respond. 

💫To choose how you want to treat yourself. 

💫 And you can choose to treat yourself like you would your best friend if they were going through these situations instead of you. 

So the next time you forget something because you are so stressed out remember to turn inwards, to take a breath, and to welcome the moment with a little more kindness towards yourself. 

Remember: You are doing the best you can in this moment, you are having a difficult time but this too shall pass. 🙏🏻🧘🏻‍♀️💕
🎙️ New Podcast Episode! 🎙️

This week I discuss the importance of mindfulness and self-compassion with Jennifer Irwin, a women's empowerment coach, focusing on managing anxiety, stress, and burnout, particularly for moms.

Self-compassion and mindfulness are like the wings of a bird - you can't have one without the other. 

Join me inside of my virtual living room for this enlightening conversation.
Uncomfortable truth time. Sometimes life is going to be tough. From dealing with a sick child to unexpected hospital visits, we all face ups and downs. But here’s the good news: you can make these moments a bit easier.

It’s not about pretending everything is fine. It’s about feeling your emotions without letting them take over. Join me on Tuesday, June 25th for a special training where I’ll share a four-step process to help you navigate life’s curveballs. 🌟

Let’s make those tough moments a little less tough together. Click the link in my bio to sign up! 💪
Feeling knocked down by life? Whether it’s small daily annoyances or huge setbacks like being hit by a bus (yes, really), I’ve been through it all.
With multiple TBIs and ten neurosurgeries behind me, I’ve developed strategies that truly work. And as someone with a Masters in Counselling Psychology, I know how to teach them effectively.
On June 25th at 12pm EST, I’m hosting a workshop to share these tools with you. Let’s transform those tough times into opportunities for growth and resilience. 🌟
Comment WORKSHOP below to get the link to join me
Ever feel like life just sucker-punched you? Trust me, I get it. From being hit by a bus in 2013 to a car five years later (#truestory), I’ve had my fair share of Well, that sucks moments.
But with a Masters in Counselling Psychology and real-life experience navigating two TBIs and ten neurosurgeries, I’ve got the tools to help you bounce back too.
Join me on June 25th at 12pm EST for an exclusive workshop where I’ll share my strategies for managing life’s toughest moments. Let’s build resilience together.
Comment WORKSHOP below to join me inside this live interactive workshop. 
See you there!
🌟 Imagine a life where you’re in tune with your body, understanding its signals and responding with care. 

When we ignore our bodies, they get louder until we can’t ignore them anymore. 

On this week’s episode of 🎙️ Calm Amidst the Chaos 🎙️Dr. Sarah Coxon and I discussed how our bodies are a portal to transformation. 

What is your body trying to tell you?

Our bodies are constantly speaking to us, but we aren’t always listening. 

Dr. Sarah Coxon emphasizes the importance of somatic attunement—mindfulness of the body’s landscape. How often do you check in with your body?

I’ve been on this path for years, and it’s changed everything. You don’t need hours of meditation; sometimes, just a few mindful moments can make all the difference. Ready to start your journey? #MindfulMoments #BodyAwareness #HealingJourney

Tell us in the comments – what’s one mindful practice you want to try?
Ready to embrace the suck? 💪✨
We all have those moments where resilience seems to vanish. Maybe you handle big letdowns like a champ but crumble over small setbacks, or vice versa. It’s time to understand why.
Join our workshop to dissect these reactions with curiosity and zero judgment. Reframe perseverance, gain empathy for yourself and others, and learn that your struggles aren’t failures—they’re human nature.
You’ve faced tough times before, and you’ll face them again. Let’s navigate them together. 💖
#Mindfulness #Resilience #HealingJourney
Sometimes life sucks. 
You wake up in the morning with a massive migraine. You’re so nauseous you can barely move, needing to pause after each step. It feels like there is a rock under your ribs and you’ve just spent the last several hours 🤮🤮
To make things worse, the shuttle bus to take you to the airport will be arriving soon and you still haven’t finished packing. 
The absolute last thing you want to be doing is getting on a plane right now but this is the reality of this moment. 
Whether it’s 6 years ago or this morning sometimes we have moments that just, plain, suck. 
When faced with these moments, we often ask ourselves, now what?
Here’s the thing. Eventually the pain meds kick in. The nausea disappears and I start to feel “better”
One of the things I teach my coaching clients is that sometimes life just sucks. But we can learn how to meet these moments and to move forward with a little more grace and ease. 
On Tuesday, June 11, at 12pm EST I’m pulling back the curtain  in my new live workshop, “Well that sucks. Now what?” to help you navigate the gut-punches of life. 
After 2 accidents, 2 TBIs, several neurosurgeries and constantly times 🤮🤮 in hotel bathrooms over the years I have a masters degree in “Well that sucks, now what?” 
Whether you’re facing lower stake stresses or great big scary Oh My Goodness life altering moments, inside this workshop you will learn how to help your resilience show up consistently. 
Because sh@* happens but starting Tuesday you’ll have the tools to continue to move forward. 
And in honour of my 43rd bday I’m teaching it as a discount of $4.30. Click the link in my bio to jump in today.
Plant the seeds of growth for your business with The Making it Bloom Bundle!
With tons of valuable resources from bosses at the top of their game, this bundle has everything you need to cultivate success and watch your business bloom. From strategic planning and marketing courses to beautiful templates and mindset and wellbeing resources, we’ve got you covered.
Grab the bundle today and start watching your business thrive! 
The link is in my bio (affiliate link)
Movement is medicine for both our bodies and minds. It’s not just about intense workouts or hitting the gym; it’s about finding joy in every step we take. Whether it’s a walk in nature, dancing to your favorite song, or simply stretching, let’s embrace the power of movement and nourish our souls. #MovementIsMedicine #EmbraceTheJourney

Share your favorite way to move your body and how it makes you feel alive and vibrant! Let’s inspire each other to find joy in movement. 🌈✨