AKA that time I was hit by a bus.... and then 5 years later a car. I sometimes wish that I was joking, but in ...
Worries. They can start small and then quickly spiral out of control. The next thing you know you're caught up in worrying about things that ...
Hello, it is I, Charlene a former champion overthinker. I thought, overthought & second-guessed everything. It's not a joke to say that I could have ...
When a bad day comes along it can completely through you off. Impacting not just that day but all the days to follow it. That's ...
What is our negativity bias? And why do we need to talk about it? Fun fact, we alllll have a negativity bias. Yup, even your ...
Today, we're going to talk about pain vs suffering. Now, this post might be a little controversial... Most suffering in our lives is optional. ...